Yearly Event
European Days of Jewish Culture
Organised by the European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Culture and Heritage (AEPJ), the European Days of Jewish Culture take place in many cities across Europe during the months of September to December, beginning usually sometime around Jewish New Year.
The program aims to offer local, non-Jewish European communities a better understanding of Jewish culture.
Tarbut Foundation is a member of AEPJ and established the European Days of Jewish Culture as a yearly event in Sighet and later in other parts of Romania.
“Those who kept silent yesterday will remain silent tomorrow.”
Since 2015, Tarbut Foundation conducts editions of the program in Sighet, and later in Oradea, Cluj, Baia Mare and Bucharest.
Our program ranges from concerts, book presentations, launches of new publications, film screenings, lectures and guided visits to the Jewish heritage sites of Sighet.
The themes we focus on are:
Memory: preserving Jewish Romanian Memory though the ages
Creating bridges among local & Jewish Communities
Jewish life in the diaspora
Jewish storytelling
Jewish life in Marmaures Pre-WW II
Jewish women through history
The project has been extensively reinforced by the collaboration with the National Library of Israel, which has acted as a means to develop all kinds of exhibition and educational materials. This gave an important added value to the Festival while facilitating its celebration throughout the continent.
Past and Future Events
2023 EDJC - introduction
Memory: Founding Jewish Memories
This year's European Days of Jewish Culture 2023 will be centered around the theme of Memory. The annual theme chosen by the AEPJ, in collaboration with its members, establishes a connection between the diverse European participants and fosters a positive unity in their endeavors. The objective is to showcase the diversity of Jewish cultures.
2023 EDJC - Romania Report
2023 European Days of Jewish Culture
Fundatia Tarbut Sighet Cultura si Educatie Iudaica (FTS) is grateful for the opportunity to participate in the 2023 European Days of Jewish Culture (EDJC) grant program. With the support of the AEPJ, FTS reached a diverse audience across Romania with high-quality programming, fostering engagement with Jewish heritage and memory.
2024 EDJC - Introduction
Jewish Family Life: A Look at Tradition and Diversity
The 2024 European Days of Jewish Culture (EDJC) explore the theme of "Family," delving into its rich history and diverse expressions within Judaism. We will examine the traditional concept of family, its transformation throughout the ages, and its contemporary variations across the globe.
Online Exhibition
We Won: Victory, Triumph, Success, Achievements & Renewal.
This exhibition was designed for the 2023 EDJC programs as a collaboration project between Associatia Heritage Maramures and Fundatia Tarbut Sighet Cultura si Educatie Iudaica. It highlights the lives of some of Maramures’ families after the liberation.
The official opening took place at the Sighet-Radio Station on October 4, 2023.
Since its launch , the exhibit has been on display at the Maramures Regional Offices, Baia Mare Regional Library and at several schools in Maramures Region. The exhibit will continue to travel across Romania starting spring 2024.